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A veterinary surgeon at and founder of a licensed housing agency for expatriate rentals and sales at

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

8. Laws - canine

1. Dog bites - probably the most comon canine-related litigation.
2. Limitation laws that restrict the number of dogs in a household.
3. Dogs that endanger other animals or people. Destruction by authorities. But the killing of a dog "while in the act" of misbehaviour and not "after any threat or danger," has passed.
4. Dog owners against veterinarians for harming thier pets are rare. High standard of proof necessary to hold a vet liable for malpractice.
5. Bitten by a dog in their line of work. "Fireman's rule" - prohibits lawsuits for injuries inherent to the nature of high-risk jobs. So cannot sue owners.
6. Legislation that singles out particular breeds of dogs for disparate treatment. E.g. pit bull terriers.
7. Legality of the use of drug-detection canines.


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