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A veterinary surgeon at and founder of a licensed housing agency for expatriate rentals and sales at

Sunday, February 05, 2006

20. Responsible Pet Ownership - Be a Good Neighbour


1. Clean up after your pet dog does its business on grass.
Bring a piece of newspapers for the dog to poop. Put it in the plastic bag and dispose of properly.

2. Toilet training your dog

3. Do not treat public spaces as dog's toilets.

4. Keep noise to a minimum, esp. dog barking.

5. Wring clothes and mops dry before hanigng them out. Lower floors.

6. Smile when you see your neighbour.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

19. Puppy smell

Tips for odoour-free home

1. Room deodorisers and incense. Mask smell.
2. Musty old pet bed
3. Shampoo carpets twice a year
4. Send rug to dry cleaners.
5. Wash bed and your own bed sheets weekly.
6. Vacuum floors once a week.
7. Potty Accidents. Use enzymatic cleaners - pet shops and vet offices) to break down odours.
8. Remove faecal stains. Use bacterial killers. Chlorine bleach or lysol. Carpet cleaners. Lots of scrubbing by hand. No escape from that.
9. Anal scs on to the rug. Very stinking as it contains volatile organic acids and fishy smell of trimethylamine. Enzymatic cleaners. Or use vinegar to get rid of fishy smell. Rub baking soda onto the area to remove organic acids and residual vinegar odour.

10. Wet dog smell after bathing. Dry thoroughly long coated dogs. Hair blower.

11. Bad dog breath in puppies. Food? If bad breath continues, consult your vet.
Teeth usually not a problem. Mouth ulcers? Eats stools.
12. Something is wrong. E.g. housetrained dog starts soiling the floor, body has an odour (skin). Consult your vet.

13. Puppy roll in mud or own urine and shit.

14. Otherwise a healthy animal does not smell.

18. Puppy Laws.

1. In January 2006, a new California law makes it illegal to sell puppies younger than 8 weeks. Vets can issue a waiver to breeders to sell younger puppies.

Measure to prevent anaimal cruety and protect consumer. Smuggling of puppies from Mexico. Puts puppies at risk from contagious diseases. Emotional and financial losses to consumers.

2. Lost puppies

AVA at 1800-4761600 or 64719987 to find out if your cat/dog was brought in there.

HDB estate, tel your town council to see if they have recently trapped any cats. You can find the town council numbers at

If you live in a private estate, please call your managing committee, if you have one, to see if any cats/dogs have been caught.


Newspapers Classifieds Pets